Lirik Lagu Thou Swell The Supremes
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Sweet, Thou Grand
Wouldst Kiss Me Pretty ?
Wouldst Hold My Hand ?
Both Thine Eyes Are Cute Too
What They Do To Me
Hear Me Holler I Choose A
Sweet Lolla Paloosa In Thee
I'd Feel So Rich
In A Hut For Two
Two Rooms And Kitchen
I'm Sure Would Do
Give Me Just A Plot Of
Not A Lot Of Land
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Grand
I'd Feel So Rich
In A Hut For Two
Two Rooms And Kitchen
I'm Sure Will Do
Give Me Just A Plot Of
Not A Lot Of Land
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Swell, Thou Witty
Thou Grand
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