Lirik Lagu Imagine Neil Young
It's Easy If You Try.
No Hell Below Us;
Above Us, Only Sky
Imagine All The People
Living For Today.
(Ah Ha)
Imagine There's No Countries;
It Isn't Hard To Do.
Nothing To Kill Or Die For;
No Religion Too.
Imagine All The People,
Living Life In Peace.
(Yoo Hoo)
You May Say I'm A Dreamer,
But I'm Not The Only One.
I Hope Some Day, You'll Join Us,
And The World Will Be As One.
Imagine All Possessions;
I Wonder If I Can.
No Need For Greed Or Hunger,
Brotherhood Of Man.
Imagine All The People
Sharing All The World.
(Yoo Hoo Hoo)
You May Say I'm A Dreamer,
But I'm Not The Only One.
I Hope Some Day You'll Join Us,
And The World Will Live As One.
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