Lirik Lagu Certain People I Know Morrissey

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I Take The Cue From

Certain People I Know

I Use The Cue

And Then I

Hand It On To You

And When I Swing It

So, It Catches His Eye ...

(Weren't You There ?

- You'd Have Died !)

I Trust The Views Of

Certain People I Know

They Look At Danger

And They


Their Clothes Are Imitation

George The 23rd

(Don't You Find This Absurd ?)

I'd Hate To Be Like

Certain People I Know

They Break Their Necks

And Can't Afford To

Get Them Fixed

Ah, They'd Sacrifice All

Of Their Principles For

Anything Cashable

I Do Believe It's Terrible

Oh, Wo, Wo

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah

Oh, Wo, Wo

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah

Oh, Wo, Wo

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah
Download aplikasi lirik lagu terlengkap Disini (Android)

  Morrissey   Writed by Admin  61x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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