Lirik Lagu Lonely Teardrops Jackie Wilson

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My Heart Is Crying, Crying Lonely Teardrops

My Pillow's Never Dry Of Lonely Teardrops

Come Home, Come Ho-o-o-o-o-ome

Just Say You Will (say You Will)

Sa-ay You Will (say You Will)

Hey-ah-hey (say You Will)

My Heart Is Crying, Crying Lonely Teardrops

My Pillow's Never Dry Of Lonely Teardrops

Come Home, Come Ho-o-o-o-o-ome

Just Say You Will, Say You-ou-ou Wi-ill (say You Will)

Sa-ay You Will (say You Will)

Hey-ah-hey (say You Will)

Just Give Me A-a-a-nother Chance For Our Romance

Come On And Tell Me That One Day You'll Retu-u-urn

'cause Every Day That You've Been Gone Away

You'll Know-a My Heart Does Nothing But Bu-u-urn

Crying Lonely Teardrops

My Pillow's Never Dry Of Lonely Teardrops

Come Home, Come Ho-o-o-o-o-ome

Just Say You Will, Say You Wi-ill (say You Will)

Sa-ay You Will (say You Will)

Hey-ah-hey (say You Will)

Say It Right Now, Baby (say You Will)

Come On, Come On (say You Will)

Say It, Darleeeeeeeeeeen (say You Will)

Say It Right Now, Baby (say You Will)

Download aplikasi lirik lagu terlengkap Disini (Android)

  Jackie Wilson   Writed by Admin  103x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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