Lirik Lagu Smooth D'Angelo
How Do You Retain Your Cool,
Seems You Love Breaks All The Rules,
You May Think That I'm A Pro,
But I Can Never Seem To Keep My Control.
How Can You Stand To Take Things So Slow.
Look At You, You're So Smooth,
When I'm Around You, I Can't Keep My Cool
Repeat 1 Time
2nd Verse
I'm So Used To Getting What I Want
When I Want It, And Where I Want It.
But In Your Field I"m Inexperienced,
So Inexperienced, Baby I'm Delirious
Look At You, You're So Smooth.
When I'm Around You , I Can't Keep My Cool
Repeat 2 Times
BridgeI Can't Keep My Cool
When You're Around, I Won't Be The Fool
You May That I Don't Know
But All The Things I Want Are In My Control
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