Lirik Lagu Spellcraft & Moonfire (beyond The Citadel Bal-Sagoth
Fen-witch Revel In Ancient Spellcraft,
Beneath A Horned And Waning Moon
Enchantress, Heather-bride A' Dreaming,
The Beckoning Gloom Enthralls Me,
The Lord Of Wolves Haunts The Forest,
In Brooding Winter's Icy Rapture,
Hoarfrost Glimmers 'neath The Moon,
Sorcery Opens Fiend-haunted Pathways Before Me.
Black Stone Summoning The Eternal Power Of The Winter Moon...
Enthralled By The Evil Lotus-dreams,
Witches' Eyes Agleam With Candle-flame,
Nine Elven Stones Beneath The Waves,
Whispered Spells In Serpent-tongues,
Gleaming Sword In Ice Enshrined,
Chaos-Throne Witch-fire Entwined,
Marsh Grasses Swaying 'neath The Moon,
Dark Spellcraft Summons The Black Gate Before Me...
Icy Waters Whispering,
Tower Of Silence Hides The Shadow-key,
Ember-trees Haunt My Fevered Dreams,
Moon-Bride, Sing Thine Dark Enchantment.
The Moonless Abysses Of Mid-earth,
Black Basaltic Halls Of Night,
Ghoul-plagued Darkness, Vale Of Fiends,
Amorphous Leige Bloats And Breeds.
Elder Shadows Writhing Before The Silvern Gate Of Eternal Winter,
Dark Shapes Entwine The Mist-veiled Cromlech,
Dynig Torchlight Gleams On Silent Black Waters,
Fen-wolves Sing To The Gibbous Moon...
Arise From Dreams, Shape-shifting Fiends,
Dance Madly 'neath The Moon,
To The Pipes Of Bone, Anoint The (witches') Stone,
Beneath The Ancient Tomb.
[lyrics: Byron, Music: Jonny & Chris]
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