Team Songs!,

Lirik lagu Degrassi The Next Generation
Whatever it takes I know i can make it through if I hold out If I do I know i can make it through Be the best The best that I can be Hear what I say to you Whatever it takes I know i can make it through If I hold out I know i.. Read »

Team Songs!,

Lirik lagu Friends
So no one told you life was ganna be this way, the job you chose is a joke and your love life DOA... it's like your always stuck in second geer... When it hasn't been your day,week,your month or even your year.. but ill be th.. Read »

Team Songs!,

Lirik lagu 7th Heaven
7th Heaven, When i see there happy faces smillin back at me. 7th heaven, i know theres so greater feeling then the love of the famaly, Where can you ggooooo....... When the world dont treat you right? The Anwser is hoommee..... Read »