Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Melody Of You
You're a painting with symbols deep, Symphony soft as it shifts from dark beneath A poem that flows, caressing my skin In all of these things you reside And I want you to flow from the pen, bow and brush With paper and.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Moving On
It has gotten to my head. Permeates the path I tread. But I tread, I'm moving on in a new and happy song. I can sing about the night, how my tunnel without light Led me to the other side where the sky is blue. It's all I can.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Paralyzed
"Paralyzed" I look out to the fields where blood is shed upon the ground I breathe in, breathe out change the channel, (mute) the sound I take a match, a cigarette, and a walk to clear my head stomach seething at.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Puedo Escribir
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta El viento de la noche gira en el cielo (The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. The night wind revolves in the sky.) Oir la noche inmensa, mas inmensa sin ella. Y el verso.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Sister, Mother
My life is plagued By mistakes, broken love, slaps in the face. But I'm trying to care, to dare to embrace your face. Hug him like a brother. Kiss her like a sister. Let it be my mother for now. I want to find where the mai.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Spotlight
Big time, bright lights The world is looking for someone to show them the daylight But it's not me I am not the one For simple love look to the Son Spotlight get me out of this spotlight It looked okay but somehow it d.. Read »

Sixpence None The Richer,

Lirik lagu Still Burning
You are still burning The flame that is turning My smoldering ash into a bird So stay close, my brother I couldn't stand the loss You are the bridge of action I need you to help me cross I need you to help me Chorus.. Read »