I fantasize to feel you like a bulletAnd all your layers to the fullestBut the heavens won′t condone it, mmYou deceivin', wayward womanYou′re a false prophet at the pulpitThe condition of your soul is erodin'Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're el.. Read »
Safety (feat. Lil Muddy & Soweezy)
I′m sliding out like I'm finna hit up a home runBitch yo shit fake you should up n get a new oneAnother movie in a week my head on E thoIf you ain′t wit it I ain't knowing why you came forHop on the back I'm chopping it upLike really I be making dubsHit t.. Read »
Somewhere Only We Know (feat. Rhianne)
I walked across an empty landI knew the pathway like the back of my handI felt the earth beneath my feetSat by the river and it made me completeOh, simple thing, where have you gone?I′m getting old, and I need something to rely onSo, tell me when you're g.. Read »
Silly Silly Love
나의 반짝 여름날 어린 사랑눈부시게 어여쁜 이야기나의 가장 한심한 어리석은 사랑안녕 이제 난Fxxxxn′ hate you darlin'아무렇게나 널브러진푸르른 계절에 오직 너와 나사랑하고 사랑했지 everywhere담배 연기에 전부를 잊을까흐드러진 나무 아래 불어오는 바람어루만져 주던 서로의 흉터소담스럽던 여름 꽃이제는 향기도 없이푹 고개를 숙였을까나의 반짝 여름날 어린 사랑눈부시게 어여쁜 이야기나의 가장 한심한 어리석은 사랑안녕 이제 난 fxxxxn′.. Read »
大胆不敵にハイカラ革命磊々落々反戦国家日の丸印の二輪車転がし悪霊退散 ICBM環状線を走り抜けて東奔西走なんのその少年少女戦国無双浮世の随に千本桜 夜ニ紛レ君ノ声モ届カナイヨ此処は宴 鋼の檻その断頭台で見下ろして三千世界 常世之闇嘆ク唄モ聞コエナイヨ青藍の空 遥か彼方その光線銃で打ち抜いて百戦錬磨の見た目は将校いったりきたりの花魁道中アイツもコイツも皆で集まれ聖者の行進 わんっ つー さん しっ禅定門を潜り抜けて安楽浄土厄払いきっと終幕は大団円拍手の合間に千本桜 夜ニ紛レ君ノ声モ届カナイヨ此処は宴 鋼の檻.. Read »
Sugar Rush
どんな道だってまっすぐじゃないだろう?そう 曲がりくねって凸凹してるはずさつらい事時にはあるよね僕たちはそれでも走るよ甘いものでもいかが?S-U-G-A-RJump in to your racing carSay sugar rush, sugar rush! (Hey!)S-U-G-A-RJump in to your racing carSay sugar rush, sugar rush! (Hey!)悲しくなったらまぶたを閉じてごらんほら夢の中なら涙も忘れられるもしここでエンストしたって僕達は慌.. Read »
Sugar Rush
Oh, honey pieYou′re making me crazy'Cause I ain′t never liked sweets until you sugar-coated my teethI knowI knowI knowI know there's no hope in the world for usBut can you feelCan you feelCan you feelCan you feel, my heart's about toCombustWith aSugar rus.. Read »
Senin Ugruna
Lütfen uzaklaş, cidden bıktımKafeste gibiydimSonunda yıktımAyıktım ve çok yalnızdımKahpe şeytanla ortak çıktımSanma saatleri ondan taktımErken çıktım bu bataklıktanWoah, senin uğrunaBebek, inan banaWoah, zafer yolunaYürüdüm, durmam, aslaAnlattım tane tane.. Read »