Dengan sepotong kardusBerbaring di lantai dinginDi emper pertokoanDi lorong remang-remangSemilir angin dinginTanpa selimut kainDi bawah rintik hujanMata ini terpejamMengapa, mengapa..Hidup ini selalu menderitaTiada, tiadaKu rasakan hidup bahagiaOh Tuhan, .. Read »
Brotherly Love
We shared the same last name and the same color eyes,But we fought like tigers over that old red bike."I'm battin' first and you can't use my glove."It wouldn't take long until push came to shove.But we looked out for each other,With brotherly love.You ha.. Read »
Bitter Creek
Once I was young and so unsure I'd try any ill to find the cure An old man told me Tryin' to scold me "Oh, son, don't wade to deep in Bitter Creek," (Bitter Creek) Out where the desert meets the sky Is where I go when I wanna hide Oh, peyote (oh,peyote,mm.. Read »
Bersatu Karena Rindu
Indahnya malam ini kau ada di sisikuBahagia hati ini berdua dengamuKu pun telah lama menanti dirimu hadir di siniJangan kau pergi lagi, tinggalkan aku sendiriIndahnya malam ini kau ada di sisikuBahagia hati ini berdua dengan dirimu oohMaaf, maafkan diriku.. Read »
Bapakku Dokter Cinta (hal Biasa)
Mana janjimu padaku yang dulu kau ucapkan untukkuSemua tak nyataKhilaf atau memang lupa atau memang kau sengajaMendua terhadap dirikuMungkin kau pikir ku akan menangisAtau kecewa dan terluka karenamuSayang bapakku dokter cintaSakit hati putus cinta bagiku.. Read »
Best Of My Love (performance Track) - Cdg Karaoke
Every night I'm lying in bedHolding you close in my dreamsThinking about all the things that we saidComing apart at the seamsWe tried to talk it overBut the words come out too roughI know you were tryingTo give me the best of your loveBeautiful faces, lou.. Read »
Best Of My Love (performance Track)
Every night I'm lying in bedHolding you close in my dreamsThinking about all the things that we saidComing apart at the seamsWe tried to talk it overBut the words come out too roughI know you were tryingTo give me the best of your loveBeautiful faces, lou.. Read »
Best Of My Love
Every night I'm lying in bedHolding you close in my dreamsThinking about all the things that we saidComing apart at the seamsWe tried to talk it overBut the words come out too roughI know you were tryingTo give me the best of your loveBeautiful faces, lou.. Read »