Lirik lagu Mountains O' Things Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman

The life I've always wanted I guess I'll never have I'll be working for somebody else Until I'm in my grave I'll be dreaming of a live of ease And mountains Oh mountains o' things To have a big expensive car Drag my furs on the ground And have a maid that.. Read »

Lirik lagu M79 Vampire Weekend

Vampire Weekend

It's going to take a little timeWhile you're waiting like a factory lineI'll ride across the parkBackseat on the 79Wasted days you've come to passSo go I know you would not stayIt wasn't true, but anywayPollination yellow cabYou walk up the stairsSee the .. Read »

Lirik lagu Material World Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman

You in your fancy Material world Don't see the links of chain Binding blood Our own ancestors Are hungry ghosts Closets so full of bones They won't close Call it upward mobility But you've been sold down the river Just another form of slavery And the whol.. Read »

Lirik lagu Missing Piece Vance Joy

Vance Joy

I've been waiting for the tides to changeFor the waves to send you my wayI see you darling but you pixilateIt gets hard to take these daysBut we'll hold the line, I won't let go'Cause I'll be there when you can finally make it homeAnd I don't mind'Cause w.. Read »

Lirik lagu Mean Girl Unwritten Law

Unwritten Law

I'm in love with mean girlI'm in love...Bum luck will you ever know I'm not in love with you A nice girl flown around in pretty girl limbo I'm not in love with you Not a mean bone in her body I said I'm not in love with you I love her like a bullet to the.. Read »

Lirik lagu Mirror In Your Eyes Valley's Eve

Valley's Eve

I have been a prisoner of melodies Which sounded beautiful But the angels who had been singing them Now turned into snakes The mirror in your eyes I can see you on the other side The mirror in your eyes Tells me all your thoughts You keep inside They dema.. Read »

Lirik lagu My Therapy Useless I.d.

Useless I.d.

Let's take a trip down memory lane And pass by all the nightsWere I'll find myself in your arms againThere's no inspiration here, Lets go, I think we better getBut we're stuck deep in the depths of yesterdayDid you know it's been too longThis movie never .. Read »

Lirik lagu Muy Cansado Estoy V8


Lunes, y nuevamenteen el trabajo estoysólo recuerdo momentos de ayervivo el bajón de hoy.Para continuar en estaestúpida sendadebo gritar que...Muy cansado estoy.Recorriendo las callessólo hallé corrupcióngente apurada que quiere ganarsembrando sólo dolor... Read »