Look in my holy eyesAn empty smileAnd you're hypnotizedSelling lies my enterpriseThe sheep just get in lineCapitulate so easilyThe power of fearThat I'm traffickingYears of sleep have made you blindI made the bed your inAs I lead the child to war againHea.. Read »
Lirik lagu I Am The Law Anthrax
Fifteen years in the academy He was like no cadet they'd ever seen A man so hard, his veins bleed ice And when he speaks he never says it twice They call him Judge, his last name is Dredd So break the law, and you wind up dead Truth and justice are what h.. Read »
Lirik lagu Irremediablemente Celos Antonio Orozco
De noche, cuando no entiendo que tu sueño se derroche,cuando mis notas se protegen con el broche,el que la luna y silencio me prestó.De noche, cuando tu magia se resbala entre tu boca,cuando mi alma se refugia como locade los suspiros que de ti quieran sa.. Read »
Lirik lagu I´m Having A Good Day Anti-flag
Watching TV talk shows is a lot of fun.I like it when they always have onpeople who are shooting gunsInbred couples from West Virginia,inbred people, who want to kill you!I saw a story about a manwho was fucking his daughter,and his wife was fucking her m.. Read »
Lirik lagu Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck! Anti-flag
The indie kids are a bunch of snobs, they complainmy timing's all offI think timing is for stupid fucks! why do they think I play PUNK ROCK?!?!Steve Albini playing god of indie haven, stupid dorkskeeping time in seven and eleven!Indie sux, Hard-line sux,.. Read »
Lirik lagu Indie Sux, Hard-line Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck! Anti-flag
The indie kids are a bunch of snobs, they complainmy timing's all offI think timing is for stupid fucks! why do they think Iplay PUNK ROCK?!?!Steve Albini playing god of indie haven, stupid dorkskeeping time in seven and eleven!Indie sux, Hard-line sux, E.. Read »
Lirik lagu If You Wanna Steal (you Better Learn How To Lie) Anti-flag
My father Michael is a geniusHe sees this world the way no one canHe brought me up and shaped my mind at the tender youthful age of 9He said don't take this for the way it isYou better watch out son when you get them (?)Before you know it the friends you .. Read »
Lirik lagu Il Mio Amore Per Te Antonella Bucci
Ora, siediti lì, ed ascolta anche me, non finisce così la mia storia con te, tutto cambia, lo so, questa volta, però, c´ho messo l´anima e la difenderò. Ho bisogno di te più dell´aria che c´è, adesso tu sai nel tuo cuore starò, che tu lo voglia o no, nei .. Read »
Lirik lagu Il Mare Delle Nuvole Antonella Bucci
Dimmi se a volte anche tu hai sognato di fare un tuffo lassù nel mare delle nuvole, dimmi se sai il suo significato. Sarà il bisogno di uscire dai muri, di tante case, di tanti cuori, muri che rinchiudono dentro cresciuti con me. Quanto tempo ci vorrà per.. Read »
Lirik lagu Il Gigante Antonella Bucci
E mi sembra di sentire i passi di un gigante, la tua ombra antica e per me così importante, ti ricordo forte e grande senza paure, ma i tuoi occhi stanchi riflettivano l'età, e sarà come se si spegnesse la l'assenza, sento già i brividi come quando tu mi .. Read »