Lirik lagu Whutthadilly (original Mix) Too Phat

Too Phat

(intro)Too Phat... we comin' out like that'99 it's onWord is bond(verse 1)(Malique)Aiyo silly... you the king of rap now really ?But still I'll snatch your crizzown eventuallyYou say wassappenin' i scream back, yo whut that dilly ?Me and Joe just the two .. Read »

Lirik lagu Wake Up And Sing Bob Howard

Bob Howard

Wake up and sing la, la, la, la, la, Start the day right Take a tip from the robin, if you do some throbbin'You'll be hummin' comin' home at night Wake up and sing la, la, la, la, la, Be a bob-whitePucker up and whistle and you'll find that this'llMake yo.. Read »

Lirik lagu When U Miss Somebody Tompi


As soft as a shadowDark as a dreamLook but don't try to touchA face in a mirrorA coin in a streamA voice you miss too muchCHORUS:When u miss somebody.When u miss someone.When u miss somebody.When u miss someoneThe trouble with rememberingIs that we never .. Read »

Lirik lagu Waktu Takkan Mampu Tompi


Tiada kata yang bisa tuk menggambarkan cintaku kepadamuTiada lagu yang bisa mengalun oh seindahmuKan ku beri segala yang terbaik yang mungkin ku berikanTak perlu kau pinta, memang seluruh hidupku oh hanya untukmuWaktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, .. Read »

Lirik lagu Woman Tony Q Rastafara

Tony Q Rastafara

Kamu terlihat diruangan tamuWajahmu ada dikamar tidurSenyummu terlintas di ruang makanKau ikuti aku ke kamar mandiWoman you make me feel so goodWoman you make me feel so badWoman you make me cryWoman you make me laughKau ada dimana-manaDimana aku beradaKa.. Read »

Lirik lagu Whoops Blues Traveler

Blues Traveler

Have you ever seen an atomLittle bits of everything floating byTake a good look at themCollectively they compose all you see including your eyeBrilliant puzzleA living Rubix Cube we think we can figure out and solveBut we're just monkeysScratching our hea.. Read »

Lirik lagu Warmer Days Blues Traveler

Blues Traveler

When people think of holidaysThey think of cold weather"Let's spend this frozen wonderland together"Not me, I'm into warmer daysDon't wanna hear bout your winter wonderlandI am intoI'm into warmer daysWell, frozen fingers, frozen toesTopped with a frozen .. Read »

Lirik lagu Will You Marry Me Tlb


Percayalah hai sayangkuSaat ini Tuhan satukan kitaHadapilah semuanya dengan cinta Kita kan perjuangkanSelama ini ku mencobaTuk setia menjaga cinta kitaDan ku harap kau pun jagaKan setia untuk selamanyaKadang cobaan kan datangDan kita lewatiKarena semua ad.. Read »