Lirik Lagu Scar Trek / Parasite God Mortiis

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We Are Floating - Above The Mountains.

Watching All The Tiny People.

How They Waste Themselves Away.

Obey Themselves Away.

How Willingly - They Lay Their Love.

How Willingly - They Sacrifice Themselves,

To The Locust Master - To The One That Drowned The World.

They Love Their Parasite God - Yet They Crucify Me.

How Willingly - They Lay Their Love.

How Willingly - They Sacrifice Themselves,

To The Bringer Of Hunger - To The One That Drowned The World.

They Love Their Parasite God - Yet They Crucify Me.

I Want To Be Your Parasite God.

So I Can Show You What You Really Are.

I Want To Be Your Parasite God.

So I Can Show You Who You Really Are.

They Love Their Parasite God - Yet They Crucify Me.
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  Mortiis   Writed by Admin  88x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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