Lirik Lagu Dead London Jeff Wayne
Martian: Ulla!
I Stopped, Staring Towards The Sound. It Seemed As If That Mighty Desert Of Houses Had Found A Voice For Its Fear And Solitude.
Martian: Ulla!
The Desolating Cry Worked Upon My Mind. The Wailing Took Possession Of Me. I Was Intensely Weary, Footsore, Hungry And Thirsty. Why Was I Wandering Alone In This City Of The Dead? Why Was I Alive When London Was Lying In State In Its Black Shroud? I Felt Intolerably Lonely, Drifting From Street To Empty Street, Drawn Inexorably Towards That Cry.
Martian: Ulla!
I Saw, Over The Trees On Primrose Hill, The Fighting Machine From Which The Howling Came. I Crossed Regent's Canal. There Stood A Second Machine, Upright, But As Still As The First.
Martian: Ulla!
Abruptly, The Sound Ceased. Suddenly The Desolation, The Solitude, Became Unendurable. While That Voice Sounded London Still Seemed Alive. Now Suddenly There Was A Change, The Passing Of Something, And All That Remained Was This Gaunt Quiet.
I Looked Up, And Saw A Third Machine. It Was Erect And Motionless, Like The Others. An Insane Resolve Possessed Me: I Would Give My Life To The Martians, Here And Now.
I Marched Recklessly Towards The Titan And Saw That A Multitude Of Black Birds Were Circling And Clustering About The Hood. I Began Running Along The Road. I Felt No Fear, Only A Wild, Trembling Exultation As I Ran Up The Hill Towards The Monster. Out Of The Hood Hung Red Shreds, At Which The Hungry Birds Now Pecked And Tore.
I Scrambled Up To The Crest Of Primrose Hill, The Martian's Camp Was Below Me. A Mighty Space It Was, And Scattered About It, In Their Overturned Machines, Were The Martians, Slain After All Man's Devices Had Failed By The Humblest Creatures On The Earth: Bacteria. Minute, Invisible, Bacteria. Directly The Invaders Arrived And Drank
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