Lirik Lagu The Same As Being In Love Harvey Danger
I Tend To Forget When I Drink.
I'm Doing It Again I Think
A Hand To Hold, An Ego To Flatter,
'cause You Were The Wineskin, I Was The Bladder.
Time Passes, Events Fall Away
(i Don't Think They'll Hurry). Hurry Up,
I'm Blacking Out, High On The Vapor,
'cause I Was The Typo, You Were The Liquid Paper.
Talk It Over, Talk It, Overtalk It.
The Answer's Still The Same:
It's Discontent, Humiliation,
'cause You Were The Theme And
I Was The Variation!
Try To Take A Less Dramatic Course Of Action;
This Attraction-introspection-diction
Predilection Is Breaking My Heart Again,
Breaking My Heart Again.…
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