Lirik Lagu Heavenly Damnation Haggard

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Suffering Dementia

Unchains The Secret's Bearer

Unholy Visions "God Forgive Me!"

Are Coming Nearer - Coming Nearer, Amen!

Lux Perpetua, Domine

Dementia Slowly Unlightens The Mind

And Satan Steals The Morninglight


Viju Svet V Notschi Tumanoi

Ne Prognat Mne Prisrak Strany

Svet Negasnusei Svetschi

Gorit, Gorit V Notschi

Svet Negasnusei Svetschi

Gorit, Gorit V Notschi

(Vizhu Svet V Nochi Tumannoi

Ne Prognat Mne Prizrak Strannyi

Svet Negasnuschei Svechi

Gorit, Gorit V Nochi

Svet Negasnuschei Svechi

Gorit, Gorit V Nochi)

Translation By Igor Dolotin)

So God Has Found Him Weeping

And Wrath Flickered Deep Withing His Eyes

So Thy Shalt Suffer

As Long Ago The One's Been Crucified

The Keeper Of The Lord's Mark

Is Rising Up With This Ability

Heavenly Damnation

So Thou Shalt Trust The Seer...

Svet Negasnusei Svetschi

Gorit, Gorit V Notschi
Download aplikasi lirik lagu terlengkap Disini (Android)

  Haggard   Writed by Admin  79x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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