Lirik Lagu I'm Called Little Buttercup Gilbert And Sullivan
Though I Could Never Tell Why,
But Still I'm Called Buttercup -- Poor Little Buttercup,
Sweet Little Buttercup I!
I've Snuff And Tobaccy, And Excellent Jacky,
I've Scissors, And Watches, And Knives;
I've Ribbons And Laces To Set Off The Faces
Of Pretty Young Sweethearts And Wives.
I've Treacle And Toffee, I've Tea And I've Coffee,
Soft Tommy And Succulent Chops;
I've Chickens And Conies, And Pretty Polonies,
And Excellent Peppermint Drops.
Then Buy Of Your Buttercup -- Dear Little Buttercup;
Sailors Should Never Be Shy;
So, Buy Of Your Buttercup -- Poor Little Buttercup;
Come, Of Your Buttercup Buy!
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