Lirik Lagu Anti Front Line Assembly
"the Intelligence And Security...have Been Captured Alive"
"national Security Advisor..."
"release More Than 500 Prisoners"
"anti-globalization Campaigners...turned Away By Police "
"rebel Control"
"the Intelligence And Security...have Been Captured Alive"
"national Security Advisor..."
"release More Than 500 Prisoners"
"anti-globalization Campaigners...turned Away By Police "
"the Governing Elite..."
"exiled Opposition Groups..."
"weakened Government.. Symptom Of..corruption..undermined Democracy "
"strategic Importants "
"its Horrible"
"way Down"
"weakened Government.. Symptom Of..corruption..undermined Democracy "
"immediate International Action"
"rebel Control"
"the Intelligence And Security...have Been Captured Alive"
"national Security Advisor..."
"release More Than 500 Prisoners"
"its Horrible"
"way Down"
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