Lirik Lagu Take Another Guess Ella Fitzgerald

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Oh You Think I'll Sit Around And Cry
The Day You Say Toodle-oo, Goodbye
Oh Yes, Take Another Guess
Oh You Think No-one Can Fill Your Shoes
And When You're Gone Then I'll Have The Blues
Oh, Yes Take Another Guess
If You Go Your Way, Then I'll Go My Way
And If You Do As Well As I Do
Honey You'll Do Ok
Oh You Think I'll Die Of Loneliness
And The Deep Blue Sea Is My Next Address
Oh Yes, Take Another Guess

Don't You Hear Me Talkin' To Ya
Take Another Guess

If You Think That I'll Be Blue
Take Another Guess

If You Go Your Way, Then I'll Go My Way
And If You Do As Well As I Do
Honey You'll Do Ok
Oh You Think I'll Die Of Loneliness
And The Deep Blue Sea Is My Next Address
Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Take Another Guess
Download aplikasi lirik lagu terlengkap Disini (Android)

  Ella Fitzgerald   Writed by Admin  114x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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