Lirik Lagu Rubber Biscuit Blues Brothers
Cow Cow Wanna Dib-a-doo
Chick'n Hon-a-chick-a-chick Hole-a-hubba
Hell Fried Chuck-a-lucka Wanna Jubba
Hi-low 'n-ay Wanna Dubba Hubba
Day Down Sum Wanna Jigga-wah
Dell Rown Ay Wanna Lubba Hubba
Mull An A Mound Chicka Lubba Hubba
Fay Down Ah Wanna Dip-a-zip-a-dip-a
Mm-mh, Do That Again !
Doo Doo Doo Boooh
Cow Cow Lubba 'n A-blubba Lubba
Ow Rown Hibb'n 'n A-hibba-lu
How Low Lubbin 'n A-blubba-lubba
Hell Ride Ricky Ticky Hubba Lubba
Dull Ow De Moun' Chicky Hubba Lubba
Wen Down Trucka Lucka Wanna Do-uh
How Low A Zippin 'n A-hubba-lu
Hell Ride Ricky Ticky Blubba-lu
How Low Duh Woody Pecker Pecker
Mm-mh, Did You Ever Hear
Of A Wish Sandwich
Well That's The Kind Of A Sandwich
That Is Supposed To Take
Two Pieces Of Bread
And Wish You Had Some Meat
Doo Doo Boooh
Cow Cow Lubba 'n A-blubba Lubba
Hell Ride Hibbin' And Zippin 'n
How Luva Mail Take A-lubba Hubba
Hey Ride Wanna Tak' A-recca Recca
Ho' Low Take A-lubba Hubba
Hey Ride Wanna 'n Suppa Suppa
Ho' Low A Mail Take A-lubba Hubba
Hey Ride A Hippin' And A-hubbin' No
Hi-low 'n Sum A-chicka Whaa
The Other Day
I Ate A Ricochet Biscuit
Well That's The Kind Of Biscuit That's Supposed To
Bounce Off The Wall
Back In Your Mouth
If It Don't Bounce Back
- Shh-mmhh-mmhh
You Go Hungry
Doo Doo Bouuh
Cow Cow Lubba 'n A-blubba Lubba
Hell Low A Sum Did A-lubba Goin'
Hey Ride Wan' Take A-lubba Do
How Long Lon' Suppa Dubba
How Low A Mail Take A-lubba Hubba
Hey Ride Wanna Take A-lubba Hubba
How Low A Mail Take A-lubba Hubba
Hey Down Nothin' Take A-luva Do
Hey Ride A Sippin' And A Hubba Dubba
Mmmmmh, The Other Day
I Ate A Cool Water Sandwich
And A Sunday-go-to-meeting Bun
Doo Doo Bouuh
Cow Cow Lubba 'n A-blubba Lubba
Hell Ride Ricky Ticky Hubba Lubba
How Low A Wann' Suppa Do
Hey Ride Sippin' And Hubba Lubba
Hell Ride A-hubbin'
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