Lirik lagu Kids Eat Free Tle
Ella Fitzgerald,
Lirik lagu Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year Ella Fitzgerald
Verse: Jan-u-ar-y and Feb-ru-ar-y were nev-er so emp-ty and gray
Tra-gic' - lly I feel like cry-ing
"With-out you, my dar-ling, I'm dy-ing."
But let's rath-er put it this way:
Chorus: SPRING WILL BE ____ A LIT-TLE LA.. Read »
Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Lirik lagu Flea Fly Red Hot Chili Peppers
(Spoken) Flea!
(Answerin) Flea!
(Spoken) Flea-fly!
(Answerin) Flea-fly!
(Spoken) Flea-fly-flo!
(Answerin) Flea-fly-flo!
(Spoken) Bee-stay!
(Answerin) Bee-stay!
(Spoken) A-koo-ma-la-ta, koo-ma-la-ta, bee-.. Read »
Lirik lagu Little "l" Jamiroquai
There you were, freakin' out,
Tryin' to get your head around the fact,
That me and you and love is dead
See how I'm trippin' out,
Cuz you can't decide what you really want from me
Why does it have to be like this?
I can nev.. Read »
Frankie Masters,
Lirik lagu Alice Blue Gown Frankie Masters
i once had a gown it was al-most new, oh, the dain-ti-est
thing, it was sweet a-lice blue; with lit-tle for-get-me-nots
placed here and there, when i had it on, i walked on the air,
and it wore, and it wore, and i.. Read »
Dean Martin,
Lirik lagu I'll Be Home For Christmas Dean Martin
I'll be home for christmas;
You can Count on me.
Please have snow and mis-tle-toe
And presents on the tree.
Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light glems.
I'll be home for christmas
If only in my dreams.
I'll be ho.. Read »
Cocteau Twins,
Lirik lagu Iceblink Luck Cocteau Twins
I'm seemin' to be a little alive
I'm happy again, caught, caught in time
Expose the daughter of yourself well
Me, I think that you're in her heart
You're the match of Jerico
That will burn this whole madhouse down
And.. Read »
Bing Crosby,
Lirik lagu San Fernando Valley Bing Crosby
Oh! I'm packing my grip
And I'm leav-in' to-day,
'Cause I'm takin' a trip
Cal-i-for-nia way
I'm gon-na set-tle down and nev-er more roam
And make the SAN FER-NAN-DO VAL0LEY my home.
I'll for-get my sins,
I'll be mak-.. Read »
Ella Fitzgerald,
Lirik lagu Sunny Ella Fitzgerald
Never comb your hair, Sun-ny!
Leave the breez-es there, Sun-ny!
Let your stock-ing fall down,
For shock-ing the town is all that you do.
Smil-ing all the while, Tom-boy
Where'd you get your smile from boy?
Lit-tle sun-ny girl.. Read »
Marilyn Monroe,