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Kenny Rogers,

Lirik lagu Ruben James Kenny Rogers
Ruben James, in my song you live again And the phrases that I rhyme Are just the footsteps out of time From the time when I knew you Ruben James Ruben James all the folks around Madison County Cussed your name just a .. Read »


Lirik lagu Rubens Has Been Shot! Chumbawamba
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree How bent your branches seem to be Nineteen twenty-one and all's well Another fifteen years and we'll be laughing in hell One bullet straight through the heart Rubens caught a ricochet, Dur.. Read »

Bob Dylan,

Lirik lagu Ruben Remus Bob Dylan
Wrote a letter this mornin', Put it in your hat, 'Cause no one to read it And I know you knew that. I bought a joke, a trick or two, Just to bring and show you, Caught ya with the trickster too. Sometimes I wonder how ya knew.. Read »

Los Lobos,

Lirik lagu Patria (ruben Blades) Los Lobos
Hace algun tiempo Me preguntaba un chiquillo Por el significado De la palabra patria Me soprendio con su pregunta Y con el alma en la garganta Le dije asi Flor de barrio, hermanito Patria, son tantas cosas bellas Como aquel .. Read »