
Lirik lagu #1488
I was a Nazi, now I'm #1488/ I live in slavery, the Jews took my land/ I will pay the price for losin' the war/ till they burn me in an oven// You have won this time,/ you have won this time,/ hail the new commander// Iron o.. Read »


Lirik lagu Arv Från Kaos
Flög kanske genom moder Kaos' dunkla själ,/ då hon i födselvåndor låg med denna värld,/ en plötslig hägring av en värld, ur stånd att här/ himmelsk renhet få sin form och verklighet?// Har då, i häpnad över sy.. Read »


Lirik lagu Come Fa Freddo
Ti ricordi fino a ieri uscivi con i tuoi amici quanti giorni eran felici passando le ore ad ascoltare la musica alternativa E poi all'improvviso come fa freddo e poi all'improvviso come fa freddo e poi all'improvviso come fa.. Read »


Lirik lagu Destiny
There is something you don't seem to control/ but it's part of your existence/ grown in your life, born in your life/ and older than you/ You can't react against it/ you can't announce it/ There is a time when you get to know.. Read »


Lirik lagu Don't Go Round With The Jews
Don't go round with the Jews/ You don't know which danger you'll find/ On the rail of your life/ It's so hard to change your direction once you are running// Guy, don't trust in the Jews/ Their identity is not the face you se.. Read »


Lirik lagu En Hjältinnas Sång
När jag en liten flicka var/ i gamla dar,/ sa jag till min kära gamla mor/ att jag tror/ att jag aldrig kommer dö/ och förbli en ungmö, en ungmö.// Hon stirrade på mig och hon sa:/ "En annan dag,/ när du har blivit st.. Read »


Lirik lagu Erik's Saga
There was a man called Thorvald who was the father of Erik the Red/ He and Erik left their home in Jaedern, in Norway,/ because of some killings and went to Iceland,/ which had been extensively settles by then/ Erik married T.. Read »


Lirik lagu Faded
Hey, baby, you are great today/ I wanna touch you and see myself reflex in your blue eyes/ You know, your hair lights all this grey room/ You make me feel outside, outside there is a northern sky// Faded, please keep on cryin.. Read »


Lirik lagu Freyja's Cat
So much time has passed but I still remember you/ It's like you are here and I can feel you breathing/ I remember your eyes, blue as bright as dew/ And you looked at me as you wanted to say:// My sister, my sister/ I want to .. Read »


Lirik lagu Going To Die
I was 18 years old/ and one day I decided to go out with a friend/ She said "I want you to know my lovely boyfriend"/ So I replied "Ok, let's go!" I knew what kind of people she liked,/ they were not like me but nothing bad h.. Read »