Lirik lagu Los Amantes (the Lovers)
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Luna Llena (full Moon)
I saw a dark heron
Struggling in a river
That's how your heart
Falls in love with mine
Moon, moon, full moon waning
Go boy to the house
And bring me my rifle
To kill this chicken-hawk
That won't leave my hen alone.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Molino Molero (crushing Mill)
The mill, crushing mill
Mill alone grinding
ta' andando,
ta' andando,
ta' andando
Here is the mill
Milling on the shore
Grinding my pain
Milling on the shore
ta' andando
Molino Molero
Molino solo ta' andando
t.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Negra Presunituosa
Something of mine is lost
Between your house and mine
It's the heat that doesn?t singe
Not from joy
Not from anger
Nor is it a lie
That something of yours is
Between your street and my soul
Maybe it's the ho.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Panalivio/zancudito
Ya salió mi caporal
con su chicote en la mano
panalivio malivio san.
Se parece al mal ladrón
capitán de bandoleros
panalivio malivio san.
Yo me corté con la hoz
ya me sale mucha sangre
panalivio malivio san.
.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Poema (poem)
Para tí
Tengo impresa una sonrisa
En papel japón
Que haces crecer
la yerba de los prados
Mapa de música
Claro de río
Fiesta de fruta.
Déjame que bese tu voz
Que canta
En todas las ramas
De l.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Reina Mortal (mortal Queen)
Te he encontrado
princesa sin voz
casi sin abrigo
y he llorado
al pie del temblor
con grillos heridos
te vas y no quieres llorar
te vas, no te voy a olvidar
llueven alaridos
de Reina Mortal
Niña de cabellos bl.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Se Me Van Los Pies (my Feet Go)
Look how my feet go
My waist, hips and my shoulders too
Oh, how my feet go!
With my hips
How my feet go
With my waist
How my feet go
With the cajón
How my feet go
With the marinera
How my feet go
With the zamacu.. Read »
Susana Baca,
Lirik lagu Señor De Los Milagros (lord Of Miracles)
Lord of Miracles
Black brother Christ
Forgive us
I'll cry no more
Black brother Christ
I'll pray to you
We're the ones
Who praise
The Lord
I'll weep no more
People who
Pray to
Their God
I'll weep no more
.. Read »
Susana Baca,