Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 2 B Loved
Everybody wants to be needed Everybody needs to feel loved I feel like you been deleted Cause you lost your love You don't be looking for true love Let it come to you It's right in front of you Grab it Though I never will be.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 2 Way For You (interlude)
Terry, with the same message, but I won'it do it Okay wait, I got another page. Hold on, I just paged that one Okay, hold on You guys, I'm sorry So have something to write I'm sorry U ready? I'm so sorry Yes, I know Okay, her.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 2-way Intro
Terry, with the same message, but I won'it do it Okay wait, I got another page. Hold on, I just paged that one Okay, hold on You guys, I'm sorry So have something to write I'm sorry U ready? I'm so sorry Yes, I know Okay, her.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 20 (intro)
Well there's something to... Are you recording? There's something to be said for not saying anything I've talked about racism, spousal abuse, empowering women, children I've talked about a lot of things What do I talk about t.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 20 Part 3 (interlude)
Janet So wait How old were we when we first met? How many years ago was that Lynette? Lynette '78 Janet '78, that's like Good Times days Lynette It was when you were doing...umm...Penny That's when you were cute remember.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 2wayforyou (interlude)
Terry, with the same message, but I won'it do it Okay wait, I got another page. Hold on, I just paged that one Okay, hold on You guys, I'm sorry So have something to write I'm sorry U ready? I'm so sorry Yes, I know Okay, her.. Read »

Janet Jackson,

Lirik lagu 70's Love Groove
Hey baby Just let me do all the work Wait Let me put this record on Ummm, I like that Tonight, you're all mine Afros, incense, and black lights Love beads, mood rings and candle light Zodiac says the time is right for a 70's .. Read »