Do you know what cool is?It′s me!El jibarito locoSalta de medioQue por allí viene CarlitoThe bad appleNow that? That's cool(Aye Carlito)(Mi amor)(La manzana podrida)(Aye Carlito)It′s me!El jibarito locoSalta de medioQue por allí viene CarlitoThe bad apple.. Read »
Worlds Collide
Do we fight to hold our heads up highAnd beat the drum to what we love?Risk the fall, oh, we have felt it allCome crashing down from far aboveStars arising, countless worlds collidingOnly one will take it allCan we bring to fall the giantsCan we make the .. Read »
(what A) Wonderful World
Don′t know much about historyDon't know much biologyDon′t know much about a science bookDon't know much about the French I tookBut I do know that I love youAnd I know that if you love me tooWhat a wonderful world it could beDon't know much about geography.. Read »
When We Were Kids
We were kids호기심 가득하던 때 조금 서툴렀었지You and me티 없이 맑은 눈까지 서로를 닮았었지Wish I could meet the younger me (the younger me)그 시절 속 순수했던 모든 마음 잊지 말아 줄래Invincible superheroes어른이 되고 싶었어더 높고 푸른 세상을 향해서Remember when we were kids어릴 적에는 몰랐었지다시 돌아갈 수 있다면더 많이 사랑할 수 있을 거야Remembe.. Read »
War With Us
What? What?We started this shit, man (huh?)We fathered this shit, man (for real, we did)For realDid a lot of dirt myself, dirty.30 on me, shoot ′em like Steph CurryShells get to raining, gettin' wet up, huh?Fall and your ass won′t get up, nahBitch, I get .. Read »
Wa7ed Wa7ed
كنتي فين لما ضاقت الحيطان دي علياكنتي فين وأنا بلم الحطام ده بإيدياكنتي فين لما كنت عايز أموتمتجيش دلوقتي تفتكريني أنا مبسوططيب ايه اللي فكرك بيا، مش كنت مستاهلكيش؟عارف إن انتي مادية، بس مش للدرجة ديفا متغيريش كلامك، كل واحد من الطريقالمهم تبقي عرفتي، إنك.. Read »
What It Seems
It ain′t what it seems,It ain't what it seems,It ain′t what it seems.They ask why I do not come round, come round,Cause I'll be grindin till the sun down, sun down.It ain't what it seems,It ain′t what it seems,It ain′t what it seems.No, I'm just chasing a.. Read »
Who Else (feat. Bluebucksclan)
My nig- my nigga Menace on the beat, ayyMy nigga Menace on the-Yeah, bitch, I don′t know who else do it like meI don't knowBae, who else gon′ fuck you how I do? (I don't know)Who else come through, kick shit like kung fu? (I don't know)Who else do the sam.. Read »
Whisky E Gelo (acústico)
Essa é doída, einFelicidade é um caminho simplesMas não tem placa é fácil se perderVocê errou, errou comigoEu não esperava issoFoi covardia da sua parteDoeu saber que não me amava de verdadeSe eu te ligarNão atende é desesperoÉ culpa desse copoCom whisky .. Read »