Slow Mover
Friend, old friend, it′s 4 a.m.What are we doing in the streetI don't want to buy fried chickenAnd I wish that I was going to sleepAnd I don′t want to kiss you underneath that flashing signWhat's the hurry, we're not readyWe′ve got plenty of timeMaybe you.. Read »
Sin Saber Que Me Espera
Doctor Hurtado Gutiérrez MaestreEsto subeVen, espera un momentoPorqué yo me merezco alguna explicaciónPensé que era imposible que este amor se acabaraPero ya se acabóPor favor, vuelve ahoraQue si tú no lo hacesYo pase lo que paseAllí iré a detenerteTe div.. Read »