Embun di pagi butamenebarkan bau asadetik demi detik ku hitunginikah saat ku pergioh Tuhan ku cinta diaberikanlah aku hiduptakkan ku sakiti diahukum aku bila terjadiChorus:aku tak mudah mencintaiaku tak mudah mengaku ku cintaaku tak mudah mengatakanaku ja.. Read »
Something Isn't Right
As these embers move so close to me,Closer to my skin and setting me in flames.As these embers plague my lungs,Stealing breathes from me And turning my lungs black and blue.Now the echo it cuts through me Like the stare upon your face The day you found ou.. Read »
Syair Kehidupan
Di saat ini ingin kuterlena lagiTerbang tinggi di awanTinggalkan bumi di siniDi saat ini ingin kumencipta lagiKan kutuliskan laguSambil kukenang wajahmuReff:Malam panjang, remang-remangdi dalam gelap aku dengarkanSyair lagu kehidupan.. Read »
Sudahlah Aku Pergi
Sungguh aku tak mengerti kau ingkari janjimuAku tak kan sanggup lagi menerima kepedihan iniSudahlah aku pergi untuk apa menunggu janji yang tak pastiBiarlah kusendiri akan kubawa kepedihankuAngin dengar kata hati nyanyian duka semestaBawa ke dalam damaimu.. Read »
Sudah sekian lamabenih asmaratumbuh di hati iniberselimutkan setiaOo...sedangkan waktu yang berlalutelah menjerat kitaOo...jadi semakin jauhnilai khayal mendambaBenarkah semuaapa yang kurasaReff.Sepertinya tak mudahmeraih mimpidi alam fana iniSemestinya k.. Read »
Secita Cerita
Bagai secita ceritadalam duniaTerlintas kilas menatapaduan nadaKan sirna dalamjalinan perangai katamuSeolah tiadakenyataan pastiyang kusibak juaBila lidahku bercela'tuk berkataBiar mata yang terbukajatuh ternodaHidupku satumenjelang tantangankhalwat jiwaM.. Read »
Seeds Of Hate
Look into my eyes You will see the angst that resides in me Release these thoughts of emptiness Show me the true face of anger that reflects on every man No one hears our cries of hope What must be done to silence their stares A pale mood, A dying heart, .. Read »
Sleeping Beauty
delusional i believed i could cure it all for you dear coax or trick or drive or drag the demons from you make it right for you sleeping beauty truly thought i could heal youfar beyond a visible sign of your awakening failing miserably to rescue sleeping .. Read »
Sticks And Bricks
I am fueled by all forms of failureI paid the priceSo, I'll take what's mine!Bet ya didn't see that one comin'Cause I do as I pleaseAnd apologize for nothing.My time is flyingBut I'm still second to none.Always shining the brightestWhen I'm placed under t.. Read »
Start The Shooting
Hey boys, look where we areThis town ain't big enough for the both of usSo get ready to runThis all goes to showjust how little you really knowAbout the way that we areI notice everythingLike every single rumorThat you spread todayYou're never gonna chang.. Read »