Ring In Ur Ear (feat. Motion City Soundtrack)
Remember the summer when you bleached my hair?Thought your leather was cool, you had the ring in your earDrugs on the couch with the freaks and ghoulsThough it was forever, though it was for goodConversations on the night we metThinkin′ better of thoughts.. Read »
Real Things
I love real things built to lastHardwood floors and stone fireplacesAnd looking back on the pastIce-cold beer, fish that fightWise, old bucksAnd old timer′s tellin' liesFirefliesRainy days, I love them, I always haveScreened in porches, my old, straw hatS.. Read »
Rich Man Poor Man
The rich man poor man beggar man thiefEveryone claim that them are the chiefThe rich man buy the poor man′s lifeThe poor man take away the beggar man's wifeDon′t cry my brothersDon't cry my sistersTears won't change the situationIt′s just a form, a form o.. Read »
Rap Do Aguero
Do independiente na Argentina pro mundo inteiroJogador mais chato eles me chamam Kun AgueroCraque e artilheiro desde 15 que os olheirosJa sabiam que eu seria um predador para os goleirosBola no pé do mestria na área perigosoPosicionamento táctico, eu sou .. Read »