

Mình hãy cứ sống thế đi, ta cứ mãi ước mơTa cứ luôn mong chờ điều tuyệt vời nhé emCầm tay nhau mãi bước đi, sẽ cứ thế mỉm cườiTa sẽ quên đi bao nhiêu tình yêu tan vỡ như là giấc mơNo love, no life, no love, no lifeAnh chẳng còn muốn quay về nơi ấyNo love,.. Read »

Never Ender


ずっと歩き続けて声が遠くなってもまだ聞こえてる深く散らばった音響かせた始まりは 星空描くなんてことない今日が僕には特別なようになんてことない明日が君には特別なんだろうなんてことない今日を笑って迎えたいからなんてことない明日も君と踊り明かそうLa La La...君がどこにいようとも君が気づかなくても鳴り続いてる今に繋がった音届かせた始まりを忘れずにいようなんてことない今日も誰かの大切なものなんてことない明日も待ち望む人がいるなんてことない今日を僕らで彩っていこうなんてことない明日が特別になるようにLa L.. Read »



You know, I know that you don′t really hate meBut I suppose that I probably irritate youAnd furthermore, I know that I can't relate to youI′ll say I'm sorry in advance for all of my hyperboleDon't waste your time on meDon′t waste your time on meAnd you kn.. Read »

No Error

Yameii Online

I cannot stand it, God, damn itFrom another planet, God, damn itAnd I never asked for this shit, but dealt with itDon′t look at me, so desperate!Never would imagine, where I've gone and how it happenedOnce again, I must depart from my friendsI cannot stan.. Read »

Niewinność (2002)

Edyta Bartosiewicz

Wciąż przed oczami mam jej drobną twarzW kącikach ust uśmiechu śladI ten jejSpojrzenia pełen wiary blaskMówiła w życiu najważniejsza jestIdeałów czysta mocW swych snachZ wiatrem ścigała się co nocDokąd odeszłaś moja piękna?Co z Tobą stało się?W swe siły z.. Read »

Not A Liar


Yea CGMan that bitch is a liarI be in the city smoking gas burning tiresStill ain′t hit me back getting down to the wireYea she got that wet wet her pussy is a crierStill aint reach a mill how you think I could retire?Lame ass niggas hating they ass like .. Read »

No Te Olvides De Mi

Manuel Monroy Ch.

Triste voy caminandoPor las calles pensandoLo que fue nuestroAmor, nuestro amorRecordando palabrasRecordando cariciasCuando tu me decíasVen mi amor.Y ahora que estoy tan solaTriste vivo llorandoPor saber si algún díaTu te acuerdas de miCuanto daría por ve.. Read »

New World


This new world, it′s up to you nowChanging like a hurricaneHello, world, can't you see?밀려오는 파도 같은 빛Wake up, world, how do you feel?폭풍 같은 움직임을 봐눈을 떠 진실들과 마주할 때비로소 세상은 바뀔 수 있어Why you hesitating? Why you waiting? (Ooh)Don′t you hide it, don't you fight it (o.. Read »


Lil Xan

Yeah (Xanarchy)Let′s goLiving in the moment, I ain't ever going backI told my family I will make it, please just relaxAnd if this ain′t an indicator that I'm moving fastI'm climbing to the top and I ain′t ever looking backIt′s a new day, let's just runawa.. Read »

No Nos Moveran

Joan Baez

No, no, no, no nos moveránNo, no, no nos moveránComo un árbol de la riveraNo nos moveránUnidos en la vida, no nos moveránUnidos en la vida, no nos moveránComo un árbol de la riveraNo nos moveránNo, no, no nos moveránNo, no, no nos moveránComo un árbol de .. Read »