Nicht Allein

Absolute Beginner

Halleluja, hallo du da, ja du dasiehst du dich nicht auch, ab und zu malallein auf weiter Flur, nur von Einzellern umgebendie sich zur Musik von Zweizellern bewegenIhr Leben nach dem Wort von Dreizellern lebenund all' ihre Moneten den Vierzellern gebenBis.. Read »

Natural Born Chillas

Absolute Beginner

siehst du das blau und das gelb, da der punktder skunk duft, der dir funkt: es ist zeitbreit und weit und breit nur weltund alles wird schön und hübsch, wie ein bild, es gefällt dircool, jetzt sitze ich am pool in meinem liegestuhlich denk, ich bin verwir.. Read »

Nono Artine

Anggun Pramudita

Percumo bain kadhung isun tangisi,Mergo dikapakeno tetep sing ngerti..Seprono seprene mung gedigi anane,Welas isun nong riko koyo nono artine.. Sampek paran bain wis isun lakoni,Gawe mbuktekaken welas sun hang suci..Tapi yo tetep magih wong liyo hang dipi.. Read »



Apathy raised upon childhood, Social skills erasedAutomaticly blocking of any contact, Eomtions numbedThe anger grows within me...I'm a walking human time bombAdrenaline thrusting in my blood flow,morals collapse... Barriers fade as I take control...With .. Read »

Nailed Through Her Cunt


Rancour fed I grasp her headHurl her ass against the wallMerry thoughts I disenthrallTaking my nails to devour her entrailsWith excremental lubricant I force them down in her cuntViolently piercing her insides - Emotions I can no longer hideFeel the steel.. Read »

Nocturnal Stardust


Azrael! Angel of deathGo forth into that dark nightOn the narrow threshold stands a legionUnited they sing out but one nameSword to pointed swordWing to pointed wingLanguage unpronounceableFor human tongue – for mortal sensesLnaudible, yet loud as thunder.. Read »

Nina, The Pretty Ballerina


Every day in the morning on her way to the office You can see as she catches a train Just a face among a million faces Just another woman with no name Not the girl you'd remember but she's still something special If you knew her I am sure you'd agree 'Cau.. Read »

Nina, Pretty Ballerina


Every day in the morning on her way to the office You can see as she catches a train Just a face among a million faces Just another woman with no name Not the girl you'd remember but she's still something special If you knew her I am sure you'd agree 'Cau.. Read »

Nobody's Fault

Abigail Washburn

Nobody's fault but mineNobody's fault but mineIf I die and my soul be lostnobody's fault but mineI had a mother who could prayI had a mother who could prayIf I die and my soul be lostnobody's fault but mineI had a mother who could singI had a mother who c.. Read »

Nel Nome Del Padre


La visione:un trionfo di corpitormentati da livide fantasieTutto li, senza un senso precisoSolo in nome del nero piu neroTra strumenti di torturaRituali di millenniSolo segni, convenzioniinviolabiliDi misure, di disegnidi costanti universaliUna porta, sol.. Read »