
Ace Troubleshooter

At daybreak i wait for you crush softly come.With the brillance and weight of Jupiter you weaken me as with wounds.It's always enough, to sound the deeps,Numinous, by falling under.It's always enough, to run your way,Numinous, and i will follow.At sundown.. Read »



Pesonamu... membuatku... diam terpaku menjadi bisuTak sengaja hatiku terpana tanpa ada kata-kataKu terbawa... dalam mimpi... karnamu jua terucap janjiSeandainya kita jumpa lagi... cinta akan kuberikanReff :Hai nona senyum manismu tak mau pergiMembayangi s.. Read »


Ari Lasso

Yang putih cintakuTak seputih mengasihimuMengapa memberatDalam menentukan sikapmuDalam gelap malam aku termenungAkankah ada rubah dalam takdirMampukah ku terus pertahankanmuDalam keras hati dikau tak melemahKu nelangsaTerjalin cintakuDalam kerasnya sikapm.. Read »

No Good Lover

Ace Of Base

He´s a no good loverBaby I tried him outHe´s handsome and he knows how to use itAnd he doesn´t take a no for an answerLike a catcher in the rye he nags till you dieHis flatter makes you fallBut don´t expect to have a ballHe´s a no good loverBaby I´ve trie.. Read »

Never Gonna Say Im Sorry

Ace Of Base

[ Chorus ]I'm never gonna say I'm sorry I'm a clown for everyone I'm never gonna let you down I'm always here like a sun I'm a loser that is a fact for sure I'm happy even if you don't want To invite me out for a dance tonight I'm not normal I know it I d.. Read »

New Year's Eve Dan Terjemahan

Ardhito Pramono

It's nearly the new year's eveSebentar lagi malam pergantian tahunI've spent most my time with youTahun di mana banyaknya waktu yang telah kuhabiskan bersamamuWith a buck of resolutionDengan segenap keinginanSparks from the Christmas treeYang terpancar da.. Read »

Nikmat Mendua

Ardina Rasty

Nikmat hari-hariku dimanja kamu dimanja kamu setiap waktunikmat hari-hariku saat kau sibuk ada si diatidak aku sangka betapa nikmat menduasaat kau tak bisa tinggal ku telpon dirinyadapat perhatian dari kalian berduakencan pun ku bisa ku tinggal buat hatin.. Read »

New York Groove

Ace Frehley

Many years since I was here, on the street I was passin' my time away To the left and to the right, buildings towering to the sky It's outta sight in the dead of night Here I am, and in this city, with a fistful of dollars And baby, you'd better believe C.. Read »

New Kind Of Lover

Ace Frehley

She's made of shadows That live in the night Ooohh i dream of things No one would dare Last night she came to me for a second time Through the walls, suspended in the air! CHORUS: (She's) a new kind of lover She loves like no other She came to me from a l.. Read »

Nyanyian Sepasang Hati

Anuar Zain

Lama sudah ku menantiBaru kini ku temuiMawar harum kan ku suntingUntuk menghias kamar hati yang lama sepiLama sudah ku menantiSekeping hati nan suciBaru kini ku temuiEngkaulah sinar menerangi cintaku iniHanya engkau penawar rinduHanya engkau dalam mimpiku.. Read »