i had hoped for more of a struggle from this world as it died years ago.corpses still feeling good about a fifty-dollar blowjob.corpse still pussy-crapping ADD-encoded stillbirth.corpses still going dancing. cell phones all going off at once.looking fucki.. Read »
Narcoterrorist Megalomaniac
There's so much money in guns and drugsI could have anyone killedwith a phone call.South American womenbeing torn apart by huge catsfor my masturbatory amusement.Nothing like paying for a four thousanddollar boob job on a third world slutand have it ravag.. Read »
Not Me (boyz Ii Men)
I once knew all the answers, I stood on certain groundA picture of true happiness, confidence so effortlessNo brighter could be foundI never asked the questions that trouble me todayI knew all there was to know, love worn lightly, put on showA conquest on.. Read »
Neverending Destiny
Through time and spaceEvolution of universe can't be stoppedNature patries on some real events through her infinite powerNo distinction between god and humans They act in the story of evolutionHour the wind of destiny carrying my light in the corridor of .. Read »
Negative Zone
Weird universeall is reversedno time no lawsin the unknownenter the negative zoneenter...flowing creaturesin solid stateparadoxal rupturein the forbidden gatesee your reflectedsoul in the darkconvicted imageto the other sideenter the negative zoneenter..... Read »
Noche De Ronda
Noche de Ronda qeé triste pasa qué triste cruza por mi balcón. Noche de ronda cómo me hiere cómo lastima mi corazón. Luna que se quiebra sobre la tiniebla de mi soledad, a dondé vas. Dime si esta noche tú te vas de ronda como ella se fué, con quién está. .. Read »
No One's Right
Ever got the feeling that you're being controllednot by the state but by friends you claim to knowbeing controlled is a common thingbut just act real and fucking winI drink you don't, what a big dealwe still get a long and our friendship is realbeing cont.. Read »