Ketika ufuk meninggi kicau burung pun bernyanyiKusambut pagi yang cerah dengan senyum bahagiaTerkenang mimpi yang indah bersamamu oh kasihkuBerdayung sampan berdua dalam bahtera cintaBilakah ini menjadi kenyataanBetapa berarti dirimu disisikuSaling menjag.. Read »
New Beginning
There's a new uprising coming for us. A new beginning from the difficult past. A smarter way for us to live out our dreams, And every move we make is better than it seems. It's a new beginning. A new beginning and it's starting right now. It's a new begin.. Read »
Not A Sinner Nor A Saint
Tell me your destinationCould need some inspirationDon't make too much of itNow let's not analyzeThis is a game with no rulesI won't comit to I doAll I can say for sure isWhat will be will beIn days of joy and lack of sorrow (lack of sorrow)I live my life.. Read »
Never Again
I`ve seen the darknessBeat down on the worldDemons awaken into the fallen soulsLove crushed by the people`s follySometimes I become awareAnd I remember,the cold lightMy body which becomes tautThe blood which flows outFrom their empty eyesA smile driven my.. Read »
Nyanyian Hati
Tak pernah sedikitpun kumenyangkaIni akan jadi ceritaDipantai indah yang berpasir putihAwalnya.. tanpa sengaja..Kita berjumpa..Dibawah hangatnya sinar mentariLembutnya angin yang menariDan burung camar yang kian kemariMenyambut bertaut kasihDua hati...Deb.. Read »
Negeriku Bersedih
Pernahkah kita pikirkanBahwasannya hanyalah DiaPemilik alam semestaApakah kita tlah lupaTerlalu banyak kita teteskanAir mata basahi bumiCukup sudah negeriku bersedihSampai kapan semuanya berakhirMungkin Tuhan menguji kitaDengan segala macam musibahMungkin.. Read »
New Year's Eve 1999
Baby, let's make a date for a night on the townHow does the turn of the century soundI guarantee that we'll have a good timeNew Year's Eve 1999Now I know it sounds a bit prematureBut I'm askin' you now 'cause I want to be sureDo you have anything else in .. Read »
Never Be One
Drift off and dream in your paper-doll world.Play with the presents from the boys and the girls.You big day is over.The cake is all gone.We sang you to sleep with the birthday song.Chorus:No. you'll never be one again.The two's are tumbling on in.Daddy's .. Read »