Lamunan Sepi


Verse 1Memandang lamunan sepi,Ketika tinggalkan diriSudah menjadi cerita ini,Walau nuansa arukan angan indahChorusOh sayang, hadirkan asmarakuHanyutkan diriku dalam pelukmuJangan hampakan ruang hatikuVerse 2Cukup semua hayalanSampai disini ku menanti hara.. Read »

Lebih Baik Cinta

Amy Mastura

Jika ditanya tentang cintaMacam-macamlah jawapannyaAda cinta yang bawa ceriaAda cinta yang sanggup meranaSanggup berkorban apa sajaHilang kawan hilang keluargaLebih baik cinta pada yang Esa(Tentunya kitakan selamat selamanya)Hidup ini penuh pancarobaKiri .. Read »

Laguku Untukmu

Amy Mastura

Dengarkanlah wahai kekasihNadaku ini yang mengalunBersama getaran asmaraSegala yang ku cipta sebagai tandaCinta yang tulus dan murniDi dalam kalbu sanubarikuLagu ini untukmuIni tanda cintakuSayangku hanya untuk dirimuOh Tuhan berikanlah kurnia kasihmuBagi.. Read »

Lagu Happy

Amy Mastura

Hatiku rasa bahagia'Pabila kau bersamaTiada gundah gulanaMerusak hati kitaMari kita bergandengan tanganJauhkanlah segala peperanganKita cipta iramaDi dalam melodinyaKita nyanyi bersamaLebih baik cinta daripada benci..Lebih baik setia dari iri hati…Menyany.. Read »

Lailatul Qadar

Anang Dan Krisdayanti

Ijinkan menangis memohon pengampunanMuDi malam barokah penuh sinar dan cahayaMuDi mana malaikat Kau utus turun menaburi langitDan merasuki jiwa yang bersih oleh lapar dahaga RamadhanKu bersujud berdo'a serah diri pada illahiLailatul Qadar mulyanya seribu .. Read »

Lovely Lady Dressed In Blue

Aaron Neville

Lovely lady, dressed in blue, Teach me how to pray Cause God was just your little boy, And you know the way Did you lift him up sometimes, Gently on your knee Did you tell him stories of the world, Like Mother did to me And when he fell, did you lift him .. Read »

Love, Love, Love

Aaron Neville

You said he was just an old acquaintance that you knew a long time ago I could tell when he held you in his arms, you seemed spellbound by his charms No need to try, you can't deny, that look in your eyes spelled love, love, love, love L O V E, L O V E, L.. Read »

Louisiana 1927

Aaron Neville

What has happened down here, Is the winds have changed Clouds roll in from the north And it started to rain It rained real hard, and It rained for a real long time Six feet of water In the streets of Evangeline The river rose all day, The river rose all n.. Read »

Let's Live

Aaron Neville

Why torture yourself, When you know you're in love Throw your pride in the ocean And be happy beneath the stars above Confess your feelings to the one's you love And let's live, before it's too late Let's live Why deprive yourself, Of the wonders of life .. Read »

Lonely Lubbock Lights

Aaron Watson

I was singing at the ol' Broken Spoke I could have swore she came walking inForgot the words to a song that I wroteMust be losing my mind once againHer daddy is a southern Baptist preacherI had to choose her or the bars where I sang Now when I call I can'.. Read »