I am the heart of battleI am the arm of warriorsMy father, he gave me the heavensMy father, he gave me the earthHe who was alive yesterdayHe who was alive is dead todayThe thunders of wrath and judgement are numberedAnd harbored in the earth, so open the .. Read »
Life And Death
Will has brokenFour walls close inThoughts of tomorrowWhen will they winThoughts of suicideIt's just time to doWill they repeatThe final sighThe final ways of this oneOf sorrow and disgustThe ticking of the timebombThe will of those are crushedDo you beli.. Read »
Lagi Dan Lagi
Aku memang salahAku memang hinaMaafkanlah untuk semuaApa yang terjadiTak mungkin kembaliKini ku sendiri lagiKarna kau memang tak pantasTersakiti lagi dan lagiTeriris lagi tercabik lagi Aku memang salahAku memang hinaMaafkanlah untuk semuaKarna kau memang .. Read »
Love Isn't Easy (but It Sure Is Hard Enough)
Do you remember the first time, and all of your sweet sweet talkAin't heard it a lot since then loveNow look at that guy, he's making me cryHe leaves everybody and he only says goodbyeBut if I would have to choose I wouldn't let you goJust give it some mo.. Read »
Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Long awaited darkness fallsCasting shadows on the wallsIn the twilight hour I am aloneSitting near the fireplace, dying embers warm my faceIn this peaceful solitudeAll the outside world subduedEverything comes back to me againIn the gloomLike an angel pas.. Read »
Lay All Your Love On Me
I wasn't jealous before we met Now every woman I see is a potential threat And I'm possessive, it isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice But now it isn't true Now everything is new And all I've learned has overturned I beg of you... Read »
Link Of Change
The sound of flowing waters will wash away my impure thougths Paintings of saints are burningA thousand times I join my handsEvil forces outsideThe holy prophecyBut I've broken all my promisesI've found the inner me Process of annihilationAnother human be.. Read »
Losing My Religion
Oh life is bigger It's bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes Oh no I've said too much I set it up That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I d.. Read »
Lebih Dari Siapapun
CintaMengapa kau pergiSaat ku membutuhkan dirimuLebih dari siapapun didunia iniCintaMungkin diriku tak pernahKatakan kepadamu Kata cinta untuk membius hatimuKu bukan akuTapi percayalah bahwa hati ini hanya untuk kamuHanya untuk hatimuCintaCoba dengarkan d.. Read »