Ku tatap impianMemandang hari yang kan datangMenantiku di sanaKucari jawabanDari semua pertanyaanYang kurasakanSemua yang kumintaAkankah kau beriHingga saatnya kan tibaAku kan menantiTak henti berdiri di atas semuaYang pernah ku jalaniAkhirnya kutrimaSemu.. Read »
Hurry Home
Hurry homeFreight train runningI've been goneToo long, honeyWhy did I waste awaythe only good thing left to save meHurry homeFreight train runningShe's aloneGot no money(She's alone...she got no moneyI'm coming home, I've done my running)I'm coming homeNo.. Read »
Hunting High And Low
Typed by [email protected] High and Low:Here I amAnd within the reach of my handShe's sound asleepAnd she's sweeter nowThan the wildest dreamCould have seen herAnd I watch her slipping awayBut I know I'll beHunting high and lowAh there's no end.. Read »
How Sweet It Was
Uh...yeah, that's alrightLend us a voiceIn this howling nightJust about a month agoYou made a promise, babeNot to goYes, you did nowYou were the heart and soulOne to the nightfallOne to the starsOne to the haunted fools we areOne to rememberOne to recallO.. Read »
Hinakah Cintaku
Malam ini kita pun masih disini, melepaskan rasa rindumuKu tau ini tak baik untukmu karena ku bukanlah kekasihmuMalam ini yang terakhir untuk kita, semua tlah kau beri padakuHaruskah esok kau lupakan aku, karena kekasihmu menantimuReff :Hinakah cinta ku b.. Read »
Hari Tanpa Cinta
Ku lalui hari tanpa cintaSejuknya pagi tak sejukkan hatikuKu tak mungkin bisaKu tak mungkin bisaHidup tanpa cintaIndahnya cintaPenuh dengan warna warniHanya dalam hayal dan mimpikuyang ingin kurasakan indah dicintaiIndah mencintaiReff :Ku ingin terbang ti.. Read »
Take your prideand lift it highI've come to say goodbyeYou've got your liveAnd I've got mineSometimes hard to draw that lineI like to walkAnd my way is my ownYou taught me howDon't you knowAnd there must besome place to meetI take off my shoesI'll walk ba.. Read »
Here I Stand And Face The Rain
Help meI need your loveDon't walk awayThe dark scares me soWe're nothing apartLet's stay friends foreverforeverHere i stand and face the rainI know that nothing's gonna be the same againI fear for what tomorrow bringsTrust meFor whom i amPlace all your fa.. Read »