Malam tadi aku bermimpiKu berdiri sendiri di siniSemua orang sirik mencaciRasanya seperti inign berlariKu terjaga di pagi hariDengan rasa kesal di hatiGo ahead and all of you can hate meI'm the best, i'm the one with the beat babyWe gotcha teman terindahk.. Read »
Lirik lagu They're On To Me Ari Hest
The tile in the kitchen is crackingThe stairs through the basement are sinkingSomebody told me I'm crazyThinking past the limits of thinkingThe crevice in the ceiling is rustingWho knows when it will cave in?The image of a broken heart burstingIn the wind.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tragedi Semata Imaniar
Sekian langkah telah berlalumengawali cerita iniKisah-kasih insan insanis'bagai langkah berikutnyaDua hati yang terlanjur jatuhdalam cintaDan terjerat dalam satupilihan yang samaHingga terjadi problemadiantara semuaReff.Ini suatu cerita cintaanak mudaPenu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tergoda Imaniar
Dia biasa sajatak istimewaBukanlah ternamadan sederhanaTapi oh mengapaaku terpanaHampir siang malamjadi impianKu tak tahu, tak tahuapa sebabnyaAku tergoda (2x)Mungkin senyumannyamungkin matanyaMungkin suaranyaatau sikapnyaMungkin pribadinyayang bersahajaS.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tak Kusesali Indah Kalalo
Tak kusesali yang terjadiTiada lagi mimpi tlah usaiBersamamuTlah kutinggalkan segala lukaDan kupatahkan keangkuhanmuMembelenggukuTak kubiarkan selamanyaRasa cintaku hilang semuaKarena diriku bukanlah milikmuBukanlah untukmuKadang aku hampir tak percayaDen.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Purging Fires Of War Arghoslent
Father, raise your sonsNot to prosperBut to be devoured in flameFor by the purging fires of warThey shall be judged in your placeBurn, the fires burnPurge, the depth of our landBurn, the fires burnPurge, the depth of our landCovenant sacred recordsIn the .. Read »
Lirik lagu Tak Mau Lagi Indah Charisfia
Bagaimana caranya tuk melupakan dirimuWalau ku coba tuk menjauhTapi kau selalu membayangikuTiap detik kau menelponkuMenyatakan kau sayang pada dirikuAndai dari dulu aku tahuYou just stay away dari hidupkuPercuma saja buang waktumuBerharap kau kembali pada.. Read »
Lirik lagu Through The Storm Aretha Franklin F/ Elton John
In this world it's hardyou knowlovers come and lovers gopeople never seem to hold on to what they've got.Some they never stay togetheryou and I will be no betterwe can make it last foreverwe can keep this love alive.Through the stormthrough the tearsyou a.. Read »
Lirik lagu This House Is A Circus (terjemahan) Arctic Monkeys
This house is a circus, berserk as fuckRumah ini adalah sirkus, mengamuk sebagai fuckWe tend to see that as a perk though. LookKita cenderung melihat itu sebagai merembes. MelihatWhat it's done to your friends their memories are pretendApa yang dilakukan .. Read »
Lirik lagu This House Is A Circus Arctic Monkeys
This house is a circus, berserk as fuckWe tend to see that as a perk though. LookWhat it's done to your friends their memories are pretendAnd the last thing they want is for the feeling to endThis house is a circus, berserk as fuckWe tend to see that as a.. Read »