I meet someone for practice every night, it's getting dark but the golden arches light up the way, I turn the corner at the traffic light, I count my money and then I rehearse what I'm gonna say, I'd like an order of fries a quarter pounder with cheese, .. Read »
Lirik lagu Maybe You're Right Barenaked Ladies
It was often talked aboutIt was often raisedBut nothing was ever done about itTo hear the way they talked about itNoone could be savedBut nothing was ever done about itShall I take back everything I've ever saidAnd live my whole life in silence instead?It.. Read »
Lirik lagu Maybe Not Barenaked Ladies
Pretty soon you will be wanting me To go. And I will only be the enemy I know. Pretty soon you will be needing me To leave. But know that you and I will always be Naive. Maybe you'll forgive the things that I forgot. Maybe you're forgetting all the times .. Read »
Lirik lagu My Blues Netral
Little baby have you heard my bluesAbout my feeling, I'll never let it looseShe come with her shoesSmile of eyes staring and I nooseHeart keep pumping up and downSomething happened I am the downNow you pull me magic touchSo I am fooling and you runCan you.. Read »
Lirik lagu Maybe Katie Barenaked Ladies
What's so maybe aboutWhat's so maybe aboutWhat's so maybe about Katie?What's the use in hesitating?Can't you see that Katie's waiting?Just because her youth is fading Doesn't mean she's not worth dating. What's so maybe aboutWhat's so maybe aboutWhat's so.. Read »
Lirik lagu Mutiara Netral
Mengapa masih saja engkau tak percayaHanya dirimu mutiara dalam hatikuHanya dirimu mutiarakuDiantara berjuta intan dan permataHanya dirimu mutiara dalam hatikuHanya dirimu mutiaraku.. Read »
Lirik lagu Musim Berburu Netral
Dengarkan hatimu, ikuti sarannyaJangan kau tutupi, mulutnya bicaraReff:Kejarlah mimpimuJangan ditunda lagiSelamat pagi dunia, salam sejahteraHalo matahari, hai penghuni bumiReff:Kejarlah mimpimuJangan ditunda lagiMasa depan itu milik kitaMusim berburu kin.. Read »
Lirik lagu Muak Netral
Jangan dekati aku menjauhlah kau dari dirikuJangan sentuh tubuhku muakku melihatmuBerkali kali ku katakan beribu penjelasanApakah aku yang dungu atau gilakah kamuGa usah bantu aku simpan saja bujuk rayumuaku ngga perlu itu benci aku melihatmuBerkali kali .. Read »
Lirik lagu Menyendiri Netral
Disini aku berdiri, disini aku sendiri, menatap sepiTerkapar terdampar, mengarungi lautan luas, hamparan sunyiMenyendiri…. Menyndiri…… aku tak butuh dirimuKehadiranmu disini hanya mengganguBersama sang waktu berlari aku mencari arti hidupkuMenyendiri …….. Read »
Lirik lagu Mengapa Netral
Di malam yang penuh bintangDi sana aku terpaut oleh muDi bawah sinar rembulanDi sana juga kau lucuti akuTergeletak tak berdayaMenangis memangil mangil namamuBagaikan seorang bayiYang baru keluar dari rahim ibunyaMengapa kasih mengapaMengapa kau pergi ting.. Read »