Ich glaub' ich werd' total verrückt.Das ist vielleicht ein Mißgeschick.Was ist denn bloß mit mir geschehen?Ich kann mich selbst nicht mehr verstehen.Wieviel Jahre auch vergehen,Ich will Dich wiedersehen,Ich will Dich wiedersehen.Hat's meine Leber schon er.. Read »
Lirik lagu Un Vecchio Errore Paolo Conte
Un vecchio errore vuole inseguirmie incatenarmi e transcinarmi lì davantiad ogni specchio per dirmi: guardati…io non mi guardo, giro lo sguardo…la so a memoria fin troppo questa storiaè uguale che non ci sia o che ci sia…ci provi lo specchio a inghiottire.. Read »
Lirik lagu Un Fachiro Al Cinema Paolo Conte
Mi sono perso un filmPerchè nel cinemaTre file avanti, sì, eri tu……Passasse il sole lontanamente da quiSopra le nebbie dell' arte! Io sì,Come un fachiro mi stiro e rigiro,E mi storco e contorco.Ti guardo e non guardo più…Mi sono perso un filmProprio in un.. Read »
Lirik lagu Ultimul Buletin De Stiri Parazitii
"Trei morti si zece raniti. Acesta este bilantul unui tragic accident întâmplat aseara pe autostrada.""CNA a decis sanctionarea postului Atomic TV pentru difuzarea videoclipului...""Pâna spre seara inculpatul consumase deja un litru de vodca împreuna cu s.. Read »
Lirik lagu Use My Third Arm Pantera
Enlight your sense of thought, of touch, of real, a shield, An underground for this coward. Building a blood in water scent. It's like some raping, without judgement. Boy in a pocket. Balls in a bag. Serve and Protect you. His dick his gun, his brain his .. Read »
Lirik lagu Uplift Pantera
On one whole bottle "uplifting" There is no telling what I'll do Run head first into traffic (with) A mind set of annihilation No sense makes sense You can't get bought without thought No sense makes sense You can't get bought without thought inside of yo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Under Control Parachute
I turn my headI can't shake the look you gaveAnd I'm good as deadCause oh those eyes are all it takesAnd all I want is youSo I pull awayAll I do is sit and waitAnd I might as well write the words right on my faceThat all I want is you, oh is youBecause I'.. Read »
Lirik lagu Umbrella Beach Owl City
Stands and gears, oh how the daisies bloomWhen chandeliers light up the engine roomCan you feel the drops as it starts to rainThere's an underwater Ferris wheelwhere I found the missing link to this island chainHome will always be here, unseen, outta sigh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Unhappy Outkast
drowning in the gray cell/ to dwellin earthly hell/ a pimp warrior fell/ one-two! sir lucious left foot in the muthafuckin' booth!/ lucious! (lucious!) sir lucious left foot has just enteredhookmight as well have fun 'cause your happiness is done and your.. Read »
Lirik lagu Used Pain Of Salvation
"I am the uncleanThe black drop at the bottom of your cupYou'd better drink or throw me up'Cause I am on your lip and tongueGodI'm not yours as much as you are mineSo let me in to be your lungJust breathe me deep and take another sipSo stillA taste so swe.. Read »