It used to be hard for me to feel at easeI need my freedomTo come and go as I pleaseWith you I opened up quicker than a shopping mallNow I'm in your hands, and that is all All these memories I hold ontoFall away when you're around [Chorus]You're poetry in.. Read »
Lirik lagu Please Do Jj Appleton
Got a million questions that I don't askFive hundred moments that always passBut I like you, babyCuz you move fast Ten thousand reasons we should say "no"But a thousand more to give in and goWe gotta make these moments last [Chorus]Please do, say youThink.. Read »
Lirik lagu Picture (terjemahan) Jinan Laetitia
[Verse 1]In the night, I saw you thereDimalam hari, aku melihatmu disiniFollow me 'round in the darkMengikutiku berputar dalam kegelapanYour hue is like pulling me closeWarnamu seperti menarikku mendekatCan't deny, I want you thereTak bisa menolak, aku in.. Read »
Lirik lagu Peel Off Jin Tha Mc
[Intro]GO!!!(*echos*)(Elite!!)Yeah, double R uh (wooo)Come on, Crafty Plugz, what (wooo)GO!!!(*echos*)What up Amaury, yeah (wooo)GO!!!(*echos*)Haha, yeah, let's go, c'monPEEL OFFIf you got a system in the trunkShoes on your whip and you rollin up a bluntP.. Read »
Lirik lagu Praise Chorus Jimmy Eats World
Are you gonna live your life wonderin' standing in the back lookin' around?Are you gonna waste your time thinkin' how you've grown up or how you missed out?Things are never gonna be the way you want.Where's it gonna get you acting serious?Things are never.. Read »
Lirik lagu Prison Blues Jimmy Page
{intro: '59 Les Paul and amp start oozing} I've been a b-bad boy baby I've been a bad boy all night long - oh yes I have, Yes, I've been a bad boy honey, I've been a bad boy all night long, That woman, she don't even let me, She did not even telephone. I'.. Read »
Lirik lagu Paper Angels Jimmy Wayne
After every day-after-Thanksgiving sale the malls just ain't completeWithout a bunch of decorations and a paper angel treeThere's artificial smiles on artificial tree limbsSaying what she'd love to have and what to buy for himWell I hope Maggie likes her .. Read »
Lirik lagu Poor Jerusalem Jesus Christ Superstar
CrowdChrist you know I love youDid you see I waved?I believe in you and GodSo tell me that I'm savedJesus, I am with youTouch me, touch me JesusJesus, I am on your sideKiss me, kiss me JesusSimonWhat more do you need to convince youThat you have made it a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pt-109 Jimmy Dean
In '43 they Set to sea13 men and KennedyAboard the PT 109To fight the Brazen enemyOn the isle of ol lusanain the strait beyond nehruA Jap deatroyer in the nightCut the '109 in two.CHORUS:Smokin fire upon the seaEverywhere they looked was the enemythe heat.. Read »
Lirik lagu Party On The Everglades Jim's Big Ego
Party on the EvergladesShe's got the bejeezuzbleeding from her armsshe's autostigmatismaticshe sets off car alarmsand she's got a harleyshe hardly ever ridesthrough the eye of the hurricaneand she makes it out aliveshe's a party on the evergladesshe's end.. Read »