Als ein devot verspeistes Flehenmein rohes Schweifen erkalten lässtGeht durchaus harsche Tückeeinher mit dem WiderspenstEinher mit krankem WiderspenstDie Naturen hinter den nur FragenaturenSind zumeist von besond'rer Natur Naturen.Wir sind totgebor'ne Kin.. Read »
Lirik lagu Great Big Mystery Bethany Dillon
Air is dry, the sun is gone When I breathe, I breate alone Ten times a day I cry Just to prove that I'm alive Oh, that I'm alive I have tried to be the queen I have tried most everything Leads me to the same place On my knees or on my face On my knees or .. Read »
Lirik lagu Galaxy Of Emptiness Beth Orton
Stars light they sky in a galaxy of emptiness tonightThough I'm happiest when there's no reason for me to be When no one's expectations do a heavy on my heartAnd so much hope it sometimes tears me all apartWon't you please knock me off my feet, for a whil.. Read »
Lirik lagu Golden Hair Beto Vazquez Infinity
King of kings you may decideRight upon our livesAnd we'll do as you commandEven risking our heartsAnd we'll do as you commandFighting with our handsWhen the enemy walks in your landWe'll go and fight them backAnd we'll do as you commandFighting with our h.. Read »
Lirik lagu Gimme Gimme Gimme Beseech
Half past twelveAnd I'm watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on my ownautumn windsblowing outside the window as I loom around theroomand it makes me so depressed to see the phonethere's not a soul out thereno one to h.. Read »
Lirik lagu Ghoststory Beseech
We lost the paradise of curiousityNow we're bound to live in anxietyAll we have is hope to find the answerof the greatest question, will we live foreverWe all dream of.....So we head on.....Now cast aside your fears, and start believing inthere's a world .. Read »
Lirik lagu Ga Ada Waktu Radja
Pacarku maafkan akuBila ku tak cinta padamuKarna ku sudah tak mauBila kau mengoceh meluluPacarku lupakan akuWalaupun kau masih cinta padakuTingkahmu membosankan akuCemburu dan selalu saja cemburuReff:Sudah, sudahlah, gak ada waktuGak ada waktu mikirin kam.. Read »
Lirik lagu Gloria Causa Satani Besatt
Introibo ad altare dei nostri Satani!Ad deum, qui nune oppressus resurget et triumphabit!Laudetur Nomen Tuum Domine, et Triangulum signam Tuum,conterfectus que capitis Capri sanctiEt tu Satano, Superiol Ignotum, Maximum Omnipotensque, Nomen,Satanus, Satan.. Read »
Lirik lagu Gates Of Hell Besatt
LuciferI cut away torturing ropeOf lies and hypocrisySo that I may look at your throneOpen the gatesLuciferTake my soulSatan masterLuciferLet me climb over the schemesTo understandThe pentagram's Mystic powerI pass my path for long timePath without any fo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Gara-gara Duit Queen 5
Gara-gara duit orang bisa positifGara-gara duit orang bisa negatifGara-gara duit orang jadi positifGara-gara duit orang jadi negatif (just duit)Ke sana ke sini orang cari duitKe sana ke situ orang cari duitBegini begitu orang cari duitBegono begini gono g.. Read »